Exterior rigid board

Plant panel x

PlantPanel X
PlantPanel X
PlantPanel X
PlantPanel X

Exterior rigid board

plant panel x

PlantPanel is used in split-insulation wall and roof assemblies with either a rain screen cladding or roofing material, depending on the application. With 100% biobased and recycled content, PlantPanel is a sustainable, low carbon continuous insulation solution that’s easy to install and safe to handle.


Exterior continuous rigid insulation

thermal value





4′ x 8′

100% biobased and recycled content

Engineered with a density to resist compression and deflection

PlantPanel X

PlantPanel is an ideal material for exterior rigid insulation due to its ease of installation, dimensional stability, fire resistance, sustained R-value across diverse temperatures, and exceptional vapor permeability.

FiberPad detail

continuous rigid insulation


Red List ingredient free, VOC-free, and non-toxic, PlantPanel is a safe to use material, tested in accordance with ASTM C612 testing methods.


If you wouldn’t touch a product with your hands, why would you cover all of your home with it? Due to its simple composition and non-toxic additives, it is safe to touch and handle without gloves, while giving you peace of mind.


PlantPanel is an ideal material for exterior rigid insulation due to its ease of installation, dimensional stability, sustained R-value across diverse temperatures, and exceptional vapor permeability.

best in class sound absorption

PlantPanel Sound Absorption

Resources & Downloads

PlantPanel X TDS

PlantPanel X Installation Guide

Hempitecture Product Guide

WHy plantpanel

The Home of Plant Panel X
continuous Insulation

As we work towards reducing our energy consumption and energy codes drive building performance higher, continuous insulation is a solution that eliminates thermal bridging and improves thermal performance. Most rigid insulations on the market are manufactured from synthetic foams or with mineral fiber. These materials have high carbon footprints that outweigh the operational energy savings. PlantPanel is a high performance, low carbon solution to these conventional materials.




At R3.25 / in, PlantPanel eliminates thermal bridging.


Phase Shift

High Phase Shift Resistance means your house won’t overheat in summer and resists the coldest winter temperatures.



PlantPanel has a rating of 27 Perms, meaning it remains vapor open and ideal for drying, which maintains performance.



PlantPanel isolates 99% of sound from 1000 Hz to 1500 Hz in sound tube absorption testing.

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How to buy
Plant Panel x

PlantPanel X is easy to purchase using our Buy Direct Platform.

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