Hempcrete – An Eco-Friendly Building Material

Hempcrete, also known as hemp + lime, is a bio-composite building material that combines the inner woody core of the industrial hemp plant with a lime-based binder. Referred to as “Shiv,” or “Hurd,” the hemp core possesses a porous cellulosic structure, enabling excellent binding with lime. While hempcrete is not a replacement for traditional concrete, […]
The Future is Hempcrete

Updated: Sep 16, 2022 Reposted from METROPOLIS Magazine As the construction industry grapples with its hefty carbon footprint, hemp is rapidly rising to the fore as the innovator’s material of choice—in Europe, at least. By: Malaika Byng Hemp, a variety of cannabis sativa with very low levels of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), can sequester twice […]
Hempcrete Wall Detailing

In October of 2019, Hempitecture collaborated with an architectural team, with architect of record as Mell Lawrence Architects, to detail and build hempcrete wall mockups. Small scale mockups can be useful to see different construction techniques and strategies on a small scale, before a full size project is built. Mell Lawrence Architects beautifully detailed 2 […]
In US, Hempcrete Isn’t Fireproof… Until Now

Look, we’ve all seen videos on the internet that claim hempcrete is a fireproof building material. We’ve seen blowtorches, flamethrowers, and household lighters put to hempcrete walls. We’ve seen how in those videos, very little happens to the surface of the material: it doesn’t go up in flames, it doesn’t create black acrid smoke. For […]